Alessandra De Santis


Knife laws vary from state to state, as discussed above. Laws are also changed or amended from time to time. This often occurs in a “knee-jerk” reaction to some problem or event. Also, courts, in the form of opinions addressing a given case or dispute, interpret these laws.

German Law

German Knives Law - Weapons Act („Waffengesetz“ WaffG)

Weapons Act of 11 October 2002 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 3970, 4592; 2003 I p. 1957), most recently amended by Article 2 of the Act of 4 March 2013 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 362)

UK Law

Knives act 1997

The UK laws about buying and carrying a knife depend on the type of knife, your age and your circumstances.

Italian Law

For the Italian law a "weapon" is any tool that has been designed to injure the person or that, if used improperly, can cause damage to a person.

Heat treatments

Without going into detail, because it is a complex subject that requires knowledge of chemistry and physical-chemistry, it is necessary to know that crystalline grains structure of the steel is closely related to the temperature at which the material is treated and with its cooling speed.

Steel composition

Commercial steels are never simple iron-carbon alloys, but often contain other elements, including:

Ultimate Knives & Gear

The web-portal focuses exclusively on the world of production and hand made knives from around the world.

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