Unfortunately, also in the world of blades, there is the counterfeit market of main brands knives.
Generally these fakes are being offered on Chinese online stores, but also on several online stores apparently beyond suspicion.
As a first suggestion you have to be wary of products sold at excessively low prices, in addition, if the seller does not guarantee the authenticity of the knife, it is better to look more closely at every detail of the product, comparing them with the photos of original products that are always on producers offical websites.
Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish original products from fakes, because in the latter are given false information - written on blades or packaging - about places of production (although the fake knives are made in China - and Asia in general - they are marked with the place of production which appears onto original models); it is notice that also fake knives have serial numbers, just like the originals.
Here are some conterfeit knives of prestigious brands. In some cases we make comparison with the original product.
We make an appeal to knives enthusiasts to be careful not to raise the counterfeit market that are hurting honest businesses in favor of those who enrich themselves by doing commercial parasitism by exploiting innovative and inventive efforts of others to gain benefit in a completely illegitimate way.
Alessandra De Santis
WE Knife Co. has launched at the end of August 2018, the new brand CIVIVI with the aims to produce low-budget EDC knives, but with the same manufacture quality to which the Company from Guangdong has accustomed us.
The futuristic design of GTC meets the perfection of Zero Tolerance with the 0055 model, a frame lock knife equipped with the SLT opening system.
A new promising brand faces the panorama of the world of knives: CIVIVI.
WE Knife Co. presents in July two interesting new knives: the Double Helix and Chimera.
Designed by the Dutch designer Gudy Van Poppel, the Ferox is the heaviest and biggest folding knife manufactured by the WE Knife Co.
The Wasabi, designed by Rafal Brzeski and produced by WE Knife Co., is a folding knife that exhibits elegance and robustness at the same time.