CIC Master since 2008, Daniele Ibba earned this title only four years after taking the road to knifemaking.
Antonio Landi began making knives in 2012 and succeeded in a few years to burn all the stages, studying with dedication and commitment on any available source (mainly internet and knives dedicated forums).
Adriano Donzelli - aka Adry Vassago Donzelli - is a young, part-time knife maker who is completely self-taught. In just a few years of activity he has changed the knife making concept on its head by making stunning knives.
Hobbyist knife maker since 2013, Andrea Bertini has approached the world of handcrafted knives as a challenge against himself.
Alberto De Carli, part-time knife maker, began producing his first custom knives in 2001, after admiring the work of Gianluigi "Wilson" Simonella.